Dział Handlowy

Square-shaped waste segregation bin with a roof

Cena produktu:

Waste Segregation Bin with Roof – Your Solution for an Aesthetic and Eco-Friendly Space!

If you’re looking for a way to maintain order and care for the environment, our square waste segregation bin with a roof will meet your expectations. With optimal dimensions (490 x 490 x 869.5 mm) and a sturdy construction, this bin will seamlessly fit into any setting.

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Made from durable, galvanized steel, coated with powder paint in a chosen color from the RAL palette, our bin combines functionality with elegance. It’s not just a tool for waste segregation but also a decorative element that enhances both indoor and outdoor spaces.

The bin is perfectly suited for 60-80 liter bags, making segregation and environmental protection easier. With its roof, the contents are protected from the elements, ensuring that your efforts in waste segregation won’t go to waste.

The simple and minimalist design of the bin makes it a perfect fit for any environment. Whether at home, in an office, or a public space, our bin presents itself subtly and elegantly, without distracting from the rest of the decor.

By choosing our waste segregation bin, you are investing in an ecological future. Segregation becomes a simple habit, and the bin’s aesthetic appearance attracts attention and encourages responsible behavior. Give the environment a chance for improvement and choose our waste segregation bin with a roof – let’s create a cleaner tomorrow together!

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