Dział Handlowy

outdoor furniture – bench table

Cena produktu:

Bench Table – Where Functionality Meets Design

Discover the Bench Table: an innovative piece of furniture that combines the comfort of a bench with the functionality of a table. Dimensions: 1740 x 1555 x 753 mm. Weight: 70 kg. Materials: stained pine and black-painted steel. Customize the stain color to match your interior. The perfect choice for both modern and classic spaces.

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With dimensions of 1740 x 1555 x 753 mm, you can confidently say—this is the place for your dreams. It provides comfort during gatherings, feasts, or relaxing moments with a book in the peaceful setting of your garden. Weighing 70 kg, our bench table remains stable yet portable, allowing you to adapt it to your needs.

The seat and tabletop are made from durable, stained pine wood. This material not only showcases natural beauty but also boasts longevity in outdoor settings. What’s more, you can choose the stain color according to your preferences—we create furniture that fits your lifestyle.

The construction of the bench table is based on a steel frame painted in an elegant, deep black color. This not only ensures durability but also adds a design element that highlights the character of the furniture and gives it a modern charm.

Your garden deserves exceptional furniture that makes spending time outdoors a true pleasure. Our bench table is for those who value quality, style, and comfort. With us, you’ll transform your garden into a relaxation and gathering zone that you’ll love!

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