Coffee Corner in the Store: Why You Should Have One

Coffee Corner in the Store: Why You Should Have One

W dzisiejszych czasach sklepy starają się przyciągnąć klientów nie tylko atrakcyjnymi cenami, ale także dodatkowymi udogodnieniami. Jednym z nich jest kącik kawowy, który staje się coraz bardziej popularny wśród właścicieli sklepów. Dlaczego warto mieć kącik kawowy w...

Car Meal Tray – Our Latest Product!

Unusual situations require unusual solutions! This motto guided us during the development of our revolutionary product – a meal tray for your car. The closure of restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, has forced many consumers to eat meals purchased in their...

Our Disinfection Booth at the University Hospital in Krakow

A disinfection booth produced by our company has been installed at the entrance to the University Hospital in Krakow. This enhances the safety of the hard-working hospital staff and patients. For disinfection, we use Invexol Silver 200, based on monojon technology,...