JOWIX services

Carpentry Services

Part of the machine park at our company, Jowix-Triomet, is a well-equipped carpentry workshop. It gives us the capability to produce furniture that allows for the creation of functional and stylish interiors. Our carpentry services guarantee the production of high-quality furniture, perfectly tailored to the individual needs and requirements of each client. Our range of services also includes CNC woodworking, such as milling and cutting.


Andrzej Stychno

Head of the Design and Technology Department

Modernly Equipped Carpentry Workshop


The machine park at Jowix-Triomet includes, among others, CNC numerically controlled woodworking machines, used for processing laminated boards, melamine MDF, HPL, plywood, etc.

This allows us to produce furniture such as:

  • Kitchens,
  • Wardrobes,
  • Closets,
  • Office furniture,
  • Cafeterias,
  • And many more.


Carpentry Services We Use:

  1. CNC Machining Center Profit H22 – This is a 3-axis machining center that allows us to perform operations such as milling, drilling, and cutting in one cycle without the need for retooling. This is enabled by an 8-position tool magazine.
    Working area: X- 3050mm, Y- 1250mm, Z–120mm
  2. Edge Bander – Used for edge processing of the board, making it resistant to impacts and giving it an aesthetically pleasing uniform color and appearance.
  3. CNC Saw – Cutting sheets from an entire board with dimensions of 2800x2070mm. Optimal parameter selection, considering grain direction and dimensions, ensures that waste is minimized.
  4. Angled Panel Saw – Equipped with a large cutting blade, it allows cutting thicker formats from harder materials, such as wood.

Korzystając z usług oferowanych przez naszą stolarnię, zyskujesz meble, które będą „uszyte na miarę” – Twoich potrzeb i oczekiwań.

Meble realizowane na zlecenie pozwalają maksymalnie wykorzystać powierzchnię mieszkania czy pomieszczenia biurowego, są wykonane z największą dbałością o szczegóły, a o ich kolorystyce, wymiarach i stylu decydujesz sam.

Carpentry workshop

JOWIX services


JOWIX services


JOWIX services